Since 2006, I have been converting various media formats to digital on various mediums. Old cine film, video recordings (commercial and home), sound in all formats, slides/pictures and so forth, and in recent years CD’s and DVD’s.
Whatever media you have, why not let me give you the pleasure of recapturing your memories.
Converting to digital format has many advantages such as, no further deterioration of your old material, reduction in storage of old material, flexibility in viewing video and listening to music and easier transportation, to mention a few.
I guarantee my work to your specification.
I offer a personalized service in the transfer of the following to Flash Memory/Hard External Drive:
* 8mm/16mm Cine Film
* HI-8/Standard 8 Video
* VHS, Beta, Mini DV Videos
* Music from Vinyl LP’s/4 Track Tapes/Reel to Reel
* 35mm Slides and Pictures
* CD and DVD content
* Movies and pictures from the latest generation
video cameras or cell phones
This website will act as a guide for you to match your requirements with the end product that you desire.
You will find detailed information about all the services that I have to offer, and how to contact me with any queries regarding the conversion processes and costs involved.
Need more information or some special audio/visual conversion requirement?
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